14 Excel Keyboard Shortcuts: How to Save Time and Boost Efficiency

excel keyboard shortcuts

Microsoft Excel is a powerful spreadsheet program that can be used for a variety of tasks, from simple data entry to complex data analysis. One of the things that can make Excel even more powerful is using Excel keyboard shortcuts. Keyboard shortcuts can help you save time and boost efficiency by allowing you to perform tasks quickly and easily without having to use the mouse.

There are hundreds of keyboard shortcuts available in Excel, but here are a few of the most common and useful ones:

  1. Ctrl + A – Selects all cells in the worksheet.
  2. Ctrl + C – Copies the selected cells to the clipboard.
  3. Ctrl + V – Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the selected cells.
  4. Ctrl + X – Cuts the selected cells to the clipboard.
  5. Ctrl + Z – Undoes the last action.
  6. Ctrl + Y – Redoes the last action.
  7. Home – Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current row.
  8. End – Moves the cursor to the end of the current row.
  9. Page Up – Scrolls up one page.
  10. Page Down – Scrolls down one page.
  11. Tab – Moves the cursor to the next cell.
  12. Enter – Moves the cursor to the next row and selects the first cell.
  13. Escape – Cancels the current operation.
  14. These are just a few of the many keyboard shortcuts available in Excel. Learning these shortcuts can help you save time and boost efficiency when working with Excel.

Additionally, you can watch tutorials for quick and easy ways to implement useful features like locking cells or removing gridlines:

  1. A quick way to lock cells – Watch the tutorial
  2. Remove Gridlines – Watch the tutorial

Here are some additional tips for using Excel keyboard shortcuts:

  • Use the Tab key to move between cells. This is a great way to quickly select the cells you want to work with.
  • Use the Enter key to move to the next row. This is a quick way to start working on a new row of data.
  • Use the Home and End keys to move to the beginning and end of a row or column. This is a quick way to select all of the cells in a row or column.
  • Use the Page Up and Page Down keys to scroll through the worksheet. This is a quick way to view different parts of the worksheet.
  • Use the Ctrl key with other keys to perform specific tasks. For example, Ctrl+C copies the selected cells to the clipboard, and Ctrl+V pastes the contents of the clipboard into the selected cells.
  • Create a keyboard shortcut cheat sheet. This will help you remember the shortcuts you use most often.
  • Use keyboard shortcuts to automate tasks. For example, you could use a keyboard shortcut to automatically format a table or to create a chart.
  • Experiment with different keyboard shortcuts. The more you use them, the more comfortable you will become with them.

By following these tips, you can learn to use Excel keyboard shortcuts and boost your productivity. With practice and exploration, you’ll become proficient and find yourself accomplishing tasks more efficiently than ever before.

In addition to the keyboard shortcuts listed above, there are many other shortcuts available in Excel. You can find a complete list of keyboard shortcuts in the Excel help file.


Once you have learned a few keyboard shortcuts, you will be amazed at how much time you can save. So what are you waiting for? Start using keyboard shortcuts today


  1. Mastering Excel keyboard shortcuts can greatly enhance your productivity, allowing you to breeze through tasks and analyze data with ease.
  2. Remember to customize your own keyboard shortcuts in Excel to further optimize your workflow and cater to your specific needs.
  3. Exploring advanced keyboard shortcuts, such as using formulas or conditional formatting, can unlock even more powerful capabilities in Excel and help you unleash your data analysis potential.

Please do check out our Youtube channel to watch Informative tutorials – View Tech Talks with Ranjan Channel

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